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The dangers of a broken hip for senior:inside

Senior:inside are in danger if they break their hip

A broken hip is a serious injury, especially for senior:in. It can be life-threatening and lead to long-term disability or even death. According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, falls are the leading cause of fractures in older adults, with one in five people over the age of 65 suffering a fall each year. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary that senior:in take extra precautions to avoid falls. One way to do this is through at-home physical therapy, which can help prevent injuries as well as rehabilitate after a fall. In this blog post, we’ll address why older people are at particular risk for fracturing their hips, and how home physical therapy can help reduce the risk and promote recovery if a fracture does occur.

Why senior:in are more at risk of breaking their hip

As we age, our bodies naturally deteriorate: Bones become more brittle due to osteoporosis, muscles weaken and balance becomes more difficult to maintain. These changes make us more susceptible to slips, trips and falls, which can lead to fractures due to the stress of hitting the ground – especially in the hip joint. According to Harvard Health Publishing, over 95% of hip fractures are due to someone accidentally or intentionally falling (e.g., trying not to injure another body part). Therefore, it is extremely important that older adults take extra precautions against these types of accidents by using assistive devices such as grab bars or walking sticks whenever possible, wearing appropriate footwear both indoors and outdoors, clearing any obstacles out of the way (e.g. loose rugs), etc. But even when all the necessary safety measures are taken, falls still happen – and this is where the Physiotherapy home into play!

Benefits of home visit physical therapy for individuals at risk of hip fracture

A home visit with a physical therapist:in can be extremely beneficial for individuals at risk of hip fracture, as they can provide advice on how best to avoid such incidents, while also offering rehabilitation if, despite best efforts, an unfortunate accident occurs. With regard to prevention, physiotherapists will usually assess gait patterns, muscle strength/tonus, and mobility problems during home visits so that they can provide tailored advice on how best to manage them, such as recommending exercises to improve posture and balance and suggesting specific lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking (which affects circulation), reducing alcohol consumption (associated with cognitive decline and loss of coordination), increasing calcium intake, etc.

When it comes to healing hip fractures, physical therapist: s typically focus on range-of-motion exercises to increase flexibility, as well as strengthening exercises that promote better stability in the surrounding areas. In addition, they may recommend the use of assistive devices such as walkers or canes to ensure maximum safety while patients recover from the fracture and eventually return to their normal daily activities. Overall, this helps patients recover quickly and safely while minimizing other potential risks such as deep vein thrombosis, pressure ulcers, etc.


A broken hip is an incredibly serious injury that can have devastating consequences for the elderly – especially those over the age of seventy. However, if you take extra precautions and seek quality care from home physical therapist:s, the likelihood of a fall is reduced, so the fracture improves significantly afterwards. Therefore, if you or someone you know is seventy years old, you should definitely consider using the service to stay healthy for sure!

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